Schema Strictness

There are 2 modes by which Song operates for allowing submission of data against analysis schemas: strict or non-strict. When a Song administrative user submits a dynamic schema, the schema is automatically versioned based on the schema name.

When ON the strict schema configuration will force all submitted data to conform to the latest version of an analysis schema that has been submitted. For example, if Song administrators have submitted a schema called variant_calling 5 times, then 5 would be the latest version. All payloads submitted to song of the type variant_calling must conform to the variant_calling schema as defined in version 5.

When OFF, the strict schema configuration will allow submitted data to conform to any version of an analysis schema that has been submitted. For example, if Song administrators have submitted a schema called variant_calling 5 times, then 5 would be the latest version. Payloads could be submitted by users of the type variant_calling against any version of the schema if that is included in their payload; otherwise the latest version of the schema is used for validation if the user does not provide a version.

Deployment Tip

If you are unsure which version your Song administrators would prefer, we we recommend defaulting to using the configuration strict: trueto ensure that data submitted is always the most up-to-date.

Configuration Example

Using the configurations file at song-server-[version]/conf/application.yml, set the correct values:

enforceLatest: true